Over 100 Days since Covid-19

Dear Friends,

Lately time has been difficult to pin down. I remember, clearly, teaching yoga the morning of Friday, March 13th and then our class being escorted out of the building and the sound of the lock behind us as the governor’s executive order tolled through Maryland. A shut-down as a new virus spiraled out of control.

And then time slows down and speeds up and people are baking all kinds of goodies and school is moving online and we have to wear masks to the grocery store. But there’s a sense that we’re doing this together. We’re going to flatten the curve.

And then times freezes as Ahmaud Arbery, an athletic young black man, is jogging in a neighborhood near his house and is hunted down. He is murdered, on video, by a father and son.

This hurt my heart so bad. My son is an athlete. He goes jogging. Sometimes outside of our neighborhood. Sometimes later at night than I would like — but that’s the teenager sleep pattern when there is no school, no sports practice, and nowhere to go. I couldn’t believe the video.

And then the police shooting of Breonna Taylor, an essential worker, a black woman murdered in her own home on accident. And then George Floyd. And riots. And peaceful protests.

And the news was pounding at us and we all wanted to do something and we felt so many things.

I believe and support police officers AND I acknowledge that a few have done horrible things. Does there need to be change? YES. Do we need to revile our friends and neighbors who are police officers? NO.

I don’t know who originally said this, but I believe it: NO ONE HATES A BAD COP MORE THAN THE GOOD COPS.

I believe black lives matter AND there are problems in our entire American system.

I understand why there are riots AND I mourn for the businesses that are destroyed.

I saw this mandala by Deonne Francewar and it’s a visual image of how I feel. Artists are so amazing, aren’t they?

I don’t think it’s black against white. I think, pray, and hope that it’s everyone against racists.

Also, today is my birthday.  Normally I feel sad about not hitting goals or not being good enough or some other whatever.

Today, I’m thankful for all of the people who believe that we can be better, that we can do hard things, that we can wear masks to destroy this virus, that we can listen to Americans who have different experiences than us, that we can be brave enough to imagine a new, better way to evolve.

I love you guys.
